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How to Easily Reactivate Inactive Gmail and Google Accounts in 2023
Google's New Inactive Account Policy will be removing accounts beginning December. Learn how to reactive inactive Gmail and Google Accounts with our easy guide.
Phantom Hackers are Making Life Savings Disappear 2023
Phantom Hackers are targeting elders and stealing their life savings while pretending to be trusted businesses, banks, and government organization representatives.
Can we go back to net neutrality?
The US government and FCC reintroduce rules to protect net neutrality that includes banning ISPs (internet service providers) from blocking or slowing down website accessibility and online content for clients and prohibiting throttling and blocking internet traffic.
From AI Anxieties to Quantum Computing Dreams: Embracing the Future of Tech
Renowned Physicist Michio Kaku states current AI technology is nothing to worry about until we unlock the potential ability of quantum computing